since I couldn't find this info on the web, I thought I'd share. I'm playing tapfish on an iPod touch and don't want to spend any money. So if you want to go splurge on fish bucks, this blog is obviously not for you.
The lists in "Trophies" can be very tedious to go through if you decide you want to breed but don't want to spend any bucks. There is no indication which fish are bought with coins. So here is the list, in alphabetical order, of which breedable fish you can actually buy and for how many coins (L stands for Limited breedable):
Altum Angel L Banggai Cardinal L | 35,000 800,000 | Limited Time Super Exotic |
Boxfish | 26,000 | Super Exotic |
Butterfly | 120 | Exotic |
Conspicilatus Angel L Clown | 9500 20 | Limited Time Starter |
Goat Fish | 350 | Super Exotic |
Gold Fish | 14 | Super Exotic |
Green Snapper | 10 | Starter |
Leafy Sea Dragon | 120 | Exotic |
Longfin Banner Long Finned Ramirezi L | 105 8500 | Exotic Super Exotic |
Mummy Narrow Lined Puffer L | 35,000 1,200,000 | Limited Time Limited Time |
Neon Tetra Ornate Cowfish L | 115 5,000 | Exotic Super Exotic |
Pink Skunk Clown | 2,500,000 | Limited Time |
Powder Blue Tang | 70 | Exotic |
Red parrot L | 8,500 | Endangered |
Spotted Cardinal L | 800,000 | Super Exotic |
Walrus L | 15,000 | Endangered |
White Grunt | 4,200 | Super Exotic |
I haven't checked all the combinations of fish that can be bought with coins for the one will bring you the most coins. But I know of two combinations that are pretty high up there: Mummy & Boxfish will get you 73,018 in 3.5 days and Boxfish & White Grunt, generating 35,211 in 1.5 days.
As far as Mystery Lab goes, most of the coin-bought limited breedable ones are only breedable with one that is bought with fish bucks. The only combination I know of that works in the Mystery Lab is Banggai Cardinal & Spotted Cardinal (see post above).
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